• $1 - Spreads our mission.

  • $15 - Helps support beach clean ups to raise awareness about Nurdles/Mermaid Tears!

  • $25 - Supports 15 bags of ocean bound trash picked up at each Trash4tokens site in exchange for 15 tokens which are redeemed for food.

  • $50 - Sponsors a Trash4Token shop/kiosk preventing 25 bags of ocean bound trash in Mexico Punta Mita!

  • $250 - Funds and prevents 800 bags of ocean bound trash, collected by South African communities at our sister NGO LITTER4TOKENS

  • $500 - Funds a full weeks supply of Trash4tokens shop in Mexico preventing 500 bags of ocean bound trash from reaching the ocean!


The impact of your donations.

Your donations are needed in order for us to better serve our communities. Watch the video to see a snapshot of the type of help your contributions provide for the communities that need them most. From South Africa, Mexico, and the United States. We cannot grow without you!